Sleep in Heavenly Peace

Dec 06, 2024

When I tapped into this month’s energy what I got was…Christmas carols. Noel. Silent Night. And what I felt was a stillness, a calm, a silence.

This month’s energy feels like we all need to stop, fall silent, and breathe. It’s not even like we need to be meditating on anything in particular. It’s more like we just need to stop.

Stop. Rest. And breathe.

Behind the feeling of needing to rest is a whisper that after the first of the year things are going to pick up speed and we need to be ready. So this month of peace is a gift to be savored.

I know. December is usually busy with the holidays and all. The way around the busyness? Simplify. This year, instead of shopping for 12 people, my family decided to draw one name. Simplify. Instead of gathering in noisy restaurants, maybe choose a place that will be more calm. Make gift wrapping a time of gratitude and reflection.

2024 has been an 8 year – a year of fruition. We’ve been reaping what we’ve sown. What gifts have come to you? What efforts have paid off? Granted, your personal year numerologically may not have made those things obvious, but the energy was certainly there for fruitfulness.

Numerologically, 2025 is a 9 year. Nine is a number of completion, the end of a nine year cycle. I always think of it as the God year. It’s a time to be spiritually generous, to give thanks for what we’ve received over the past eight years, and a time to bless and forgive so we can complete the cycle cleanly.

I haven’t done the reading for 2025 yet, but I’ve been getting glimpses. I know the theme is REBALANCING. Not just bringing things in our lives into balance, but taking what we have and what we want and finding a new balance. Sounds perfect for the completion energy available to us in a nine year.

What we long for often comes to us in our dreams. This month make time to allow your hear and mind to rest so what you long for can surface in the new year and we can begin to re-order our precious lives in the year that comes.

Silent night…holy night…sleep in heavenly peace.


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