Stepping Onto A Path of Success

Aug 05, 2024

Last month we started with the energy of relaxing. If you remember, it was more of a relaxing our grip and letting go energy. This month, the word I got was productivity. It’s a summer month, so I can’t imagine we’re expected to be working the whole time, so I looked a little deeper.

And sure enough, more than working, this productivity continues our theme of relaxing and letting go. But this month it’s about letting go and letting results come. Getting results. Allowing what we’ve been asking for to happen.

As they say in Paris, voila!

I believe we’re in a larger cycle of seeing the things we’ve been going after come to fruition. We’re leaving someday mode and entering today’s the day mode. I’m seeing it all around me. Hard work, holding steady and all our manifesting tools are starting to pay off.

Keep in mind, what’s coming to fruition are our BIG dreams. And we’re just at the beginning. So, if you’re saying, “Anna, I don’t see my big dream happening,” then you, like I, have to look deeper.

Look for the first steps on this larger journey. How are the things happening right now moving you away from the old and onto the new? It’s all there. You just have to look for it. Breaking old patterns. Leaving old places. Ending old relationships or ways of being in relationships.

This may not be the crack open the champagne part of the cycle, but breaking ties with the past and stepping on the path to the future is certainly something to celebrate.

Additionally, I’m getting that this month will be “flooded with joy.” Again, you may say, “I’m not walking around all laughing and happy.” And, again I say to you, look deeper. Find the joy in each moment. It’s everywhere once you start looking. A good night’s sleep. A safe place to rest your head. Food in the fridge. Safe from the elements. A pleasant exchange with a stranger. A funny social media post. Petting your dog. Holding a baby. Catching that green light. Hugging a friend.

In addition to everything else, it seems we are in a process of deepening our partnership with Life. This may be the new spirituality - trusting, navigating and dancing with the forces beyond. We have to do our part in order for Life to do its part. And we have to stay out of the weeds. Nothing takes us off course faster than fear.

Our mission – our opportunity – is to manifest the life we’ve always known we are meant to live. And to be the people we’ve always known we are meant to be. Who’s with me?

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