Putting the Pieces Together

Aug 31, 2024

The first word that popped into my head this month was mystery. As always, I looked deeper and what I see is that this month there are mysteries to be solved. Our job this month is to decipher the messages and signs we’re receiving.

Another way of looking at this month’s energy is that things may not be completely straightforward. You might even say situations may seem a bit confusing or perplexing.  

The first thing to do is stop and breathe. Just breathe. Do not panic. If things were meant to be clear, they would be. They are not. I suspect that’s because we don’t have all of the pieces at once. We’re getting dribs and drabs. It’s like watching a TV series out of order. It may not make much sense until you’ve seen all of the episodes. Then, aha! We see!

I suspect, somewhere in the stars, there’s a cosmic shake up. And that can work to our advantage if you want to shake things up in your own life. If, however, you want to stick with the status quo – no changes – you may find this month a bit challenging.

All I can say is that it might be best this month to put our energy into gathering the clues and watching for signs vs. trying to make sense of what they mean right now. In fact, I don’t think things will come together and make much sense until late October or possibly mid-November.

Not knowing can be challenging. Not understanding can be frustrating. And both can even seem a bright scary. The message I’ve been getting personally is let go of control. I have to say, it’s not my favorite mode of operation. But I can see that there is an outworking in my life that’s not complete right now. Breathing, calming myself, resting, eating, following the rhythms my body and mind are calling for, and patience are what’s needed now.

I often picture transformational cycles like this as throwing everything we have in the air and seeing how it lands. Chances are good, they will not land in the same way. Even if it’s just a simple piece or two that need to be moved.

This month, be on the lookout for areas of your life that are being disrupted. Plans changed. Expected outcomes re-arranged. This is the part of your life you are being supported to evolve.

Put fear aside. Stand in the chaos. Get support from friends. Treat yourself well. And ride the wave. You’re headed for an amazing new shore!

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